Sunday, April 8, 2007

To help you decide if "Tropical Fish Secrets" is for you or not, here's a sneak peak at some of the secrets revealed in it

What type of aquarium is best for YOU--saltwater or freshwater.
A little-understood secret that will keep the water in your aquarium crystal clear.
3 easy steps you need to do every day'that prevent BIG problems down the road.
The 6 special rules you NEED know to prevent you from accidently killing your fish! Look, fish don't live forever but you don't have to end their lives prematurely. There's nothing more heartbreaking than seeing your kids cry as you flush their favorite fish down the toilet -- especially when it's your fault! Learn this basic information or suffer the consequences.
The number one thing you need to do before you set up your new aquarium.
How to buy the best fish--6 things to look for when stocking your aquarium.
How to know exactly how much to feed your fish.
Inside secrets to help you avoid a "cash grab" by pet stores'this point alone can save you upwards of $100.
How to keep your water warm, reduce heat loss and save money, all at the same time.
Which foods to avoid because of parasites.
Easy tactics to control water chemistry. You need to know this stuff or your fish could get sick even if your aquarium looks great. But don't panic. You won't need a white lab coat. This isn't your typical high-school chemistry lesson!
Where NEVER to put your aquarium.
Fluorescent or incandescent lighting? Learn which is best for your chosen set-up.
When exactly to introduce fish to your NEW tank--if you don't know this they might not make it.
How "drip loops" can keep you and your fish from getting fried.
How to keep your fish in the tank. (Some fish will jump right out! If your child finds it a few days later ... you'll have some explaining to do!)
A simple strategy for establishing and maintaining a saltwater REEF tank! If you don't know anyone who has attempted to set up a tank like this you have no idea what a nightmare it can be...
The minimum sized tank you should begin with.
Bigger IS Better ... in the fish world ... size does matter! Find out what the heck I'm talking about!
What to do if a fish starts to swim on its side.
The easiest way to prevent a tidal wave in your living room. Imagine this. Your tank breaks and 30 gallons of water splashes onto the living room floor ruining flooring, furniture, walls, and electronic equipment before seeping down into the basement and wrecking the ceiling, the walls, wiring, insulation ... ugh ... just do one simple thing to prevent this from EVER happening.
The truth about using a background.
The 10 essential ingredients for your Fish First Aid Kit. You'll thank me for this one. If you're fish get sick you CAN help them get better. But if you don't have these items on hand ... it may be too late!
The right kind of thermometer to use. This could prevent a disaster!
The single biggest reason tanks get dirty--and how to avoid it.
3 little-known factors that are essential to plant health -- Somehow your friends just aren't impressed with dead, rotting, stinking plants floating around in your tank. Keeping them healthy is EASY when you know how.
And that's just a fraction of what you get with "Tropical Fish Secrets"!

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